MyModernHealth FAQs Series

Heart Disease and Health

Dr. G. Gadkari, (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)
Jeffrey Larsen

ISBN: 978-1-937585-90-7(print)
Ebook: 978-1-937585-93-8 ($9.95)
Pub Date:  November  2012
Specs: 6 x 9   Paperback with DVD
Pages: 133 pp.
Price: $24.95

Heart disease, regardless of age and gender, is the leading cause of death and a major health concern throughout the world. Using a question and answer format, practical examples, and numerous illustrations, this book explains the workings of the heart and related issues. It first offers easy to understand definitions of the causes, symptoms, and treatments for heart diseases and then suggestions, diets, etc. for maintaining a healthy heart. The book includes numerous in-text Web links to the American Heart Association, National Institute of Health, USDA, Centers for Disease Control, and others with important information and health tips. The companion DVD includes videos, resources, and illustrations to help you to understand all of the material from the book.


Selected FAQs Covered:

Workings of the heart and the cardiovascular system; blood; coronary heart disease; risk factors; cholesterol (HDL and LDL); omega-3 fatty acids; exercises; fats; triglycerides; smoking; obesity and healthy diet; blood pressure and hypertension; diabetes; Body Mass Index; symptoms of a heart attack; arrhythmias; electrocardiograms; blood tests; post-traumatic stress disorder; emergency treatments; diagnoses; heart drug therapy and statins; stents; types of surgery (by-pass, angioplasty, etc.); pacemakers; risks of surgery; follow-up treatments; keys to healthy living; managing stress; glycemic index; carbohydrates, and more.)

About The Authors

Dr. G. Gadkari is the founder of the Association of Advanced Research in Obesity and the author of Know Your Heart and A Win Over Obesity.
Jeffrey R. Larsen holds a J.D. degree and pursued a successful career as a securities lawyer and law school writing instructor. This book represents a return to his lifelong interest in the physiology of health, fitness, and nutrition.