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MERCURY LEARNING and INFORMATION provides print and digital content in the areas of science and medicine, technology and computing, engineering, and mathematics (STEM disciplines) designed for the professional/reference, trade, library, higher education, career school, and online training markets. We embrace both traditional and innovative publishing models designed to accommodate the needs of the intended audience by using the appropriate delivery methods.

Natural Language Processing using R Pocket Primer Book CoverNatural Language Processing using R Pocket Primer

Oswald Campesato

ISBN: 9781683927303
Pub Date:  January 2022
Specs: 6 x 9   Paperback
Pages: 300
Price: $41.95

This book is for developers who are looking for an overview of basic concepts in Natural Language Processing using R. It casts a wide net of techniques to help developers who have a range of technical backgrounds. Numerous code samples and listings are included to support myriad topics. The final chapter presents the Transformer Architecture, BERT-based models, and the GPT family of models, all of which were developed during the past three years. Companion files with source code and figures are included.



1: Introduction to R. 2: Conditionals, Loops, and Data Frames. 3: Working with Functions in R.
4. NLP Concepts (I). 5. NLP Concepts (II). 6: NLP and R. 7: Transformer, BERT, and GPT. Appendices. Index


Oswald Campesato (San Francisco, CA) is an adjunct instructor at UC-Santa Clara and specializes in Deep Learning, NLP, Android, and TensorFlow. He is the author/co-author of over twenty-five books including TensorFlow 2 Pocket Primer, Python 3 for Machine Learning, and the Data Science Fundamentals Pocket Primer (all Mercury Learning).