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MERCURY LEARNING and INFORMATION provides print and digital content in the areas of science and medicine, technology and computing, engineering, and mathematics (STEM disciplines) designed for the professional/reference, trade, library, higher education, career school, and online training markets. We embrace both traditional and innovative publishing models designed to accommodate the needs of the intended audience by using the appropriate delivery methods.

Data Structures And Program Design Using C++ Book CoverData Structures And Program Design Using C++

D. Malhotra and N. Malhotra

ISBN: 9781683923701
Pub Date:  January 2019
Specs: 7 x 9   Paperback
Pages: 450
Price: $79.95


Data structures provide a means to manage large amounts of information such as large databases, using SEO, and creating Internet/Web indexing services. The book is designed to present fundamentals of data structures for beginners using the C++ programming language. Practical analogies using real world applications are integrated throughout the text to explain the technical concepts presented.



1: Introduction to Data Structures. 2: Review of C Fundamentals. 3: Arrays. 4: Linked List. 5: Stacks. Summary. Index.


D. Malhotra and N. Malhotra are university professors teaching courses in computer science
and who have written numerous journal articles.